A condition assessment was made for the library of the University of Ghent in cooperation with the conservator-restorers of the UB, with Liv Tubeex and Lieve Watteeuw in 2008. The condition of almost 47 km of books was assessed through sampling. The indoor climate in the famous Booktower (1935) of the architect Henri van der Velde in which the books were housed was one of the reasons of the bad condition of the collection. Today the building itself undergoes a monumental restoration. The result of the condition recording is a report that describes in detail the damage to the books and gives large-scale advice for the preparation of the temporary move and the conservation of the book collection. ‘Stof tot nadenken. Condition Survey of the collection in the Book Ghent University Library’, appeared in 2009.
de Boekentoren – Gent

De boekentoren in Gent is een ontwerp van Henri van der Velde. Het gebouw is in 2012 volledig gerestaureerd. Elizabet Nijhoff Asser maakten hiervoor een conditie overzicht van de inhoud van de toren: 47 km boeken!